

The Independent Ethics Commission (IEC) is a constitutionally created independent commission and is charged with the implementation of Article XXIX of the Colorado Constitution. The purpose of the IEC is to give advice and guidance on ethics issues arising under Article XXIX of the Colorado Constitution and any other standards of conduct or reporting requirements as provided by law; and to hear complaints, issue findings, and assess penalties and sanctions where appropriate.  The Commission has jurisdiction over all State executive and legislative branch elected officials and employees; the Commission also has jurisdiction over local officials and employees, unless a county or municipality is a home-rule entity that has adopted charters, ordinances, or resolutions that address the matters covered by Article XXIX.  The Commission does not have jurisdiction over judges or employees of the judicial branch. See the IEC's Frequently Asked Questions for more information about the Commission's jurisdiction.

Scheduled Meetings

Meetings of the Independent Ethics Commission are open to the public.  If you wish to attend a meeting but cannot do so in-person, the Commission will make every effort to accommodate a request for remote participation.  Please email iecinfo@state.co.us for more information.
Advisory Opinion or Letter Ruling requests and other materials must be submitted to the Independent Ethics Commission at least ten (10) days prior to the next scheduled meeting.


February 18, 2025Regular Meeting9:00 a.m.See Agenda for Location Information
March 18, 2025Regular Meeting9:00 a.m.TBA
April 15, 2025Regular Meeting9:00 a.m.TBA
May 20, 2025Regular Meeting9:00 a.m.TBA
June 17, 2025Regular Meeting9:00 a.m.TBA




The Independent Ethics Commission Issues Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

The Independent Ethics Commission has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (the "Notice"), the full text of which is available at this link.  The Commission proposes to amend its Rules of Procedure to facilitate the administration and enforcement of Article XXIX of the Colorado Constitution.  The Commission invites public written comment on the proposed rules.  Written comments must be received no later than February 14, 2025, in accordance with the instructions in the Notice.  The rulemaking hearing is scheduled for March 18, 2025, and any additional meetings the Commission may order.


The Independent Ethics Commission Seeks Applications for Fifth Commissioner Seat

The Independent Ethics Commission seeks applications from local government officials or employees to fill an upcoming commissioner vacancy.  The seat being vacated will be available for a new commissioner appointment starting on January 14, 2025.  The initial appointment term will end on June 30, 2027.  The Commission will thereafter consider appointment to a full four-year term.

Interested applicants may submit a resume and/or curriculum vitae (CV) by email to iecinfo@state.co.us. Questions may be directed to the IEC’s Executive Director, Dino Ioannides, at (720) 625-5697 or iecinfo@state.co.us.